Σοφία Τουντοπούλου

Sophia Tountopoulou specializes in Stock Market Services, with deep knowledge in Finance, Accounting, and the organization and operation of stock market offices.

As a Senior Coordinator at MPDO, she is responsible for Personnel Management, optimizing internal processes and workflows, scheduling and prioritizing meetings, and enhancing interdepartmental communication for better efficiency and exceptional client service.

Our team

  • Δημήτρης Λιακόπουλος

    Dimitris Liakopoulos

    Funding Advisor

  • Σοφία Τουντοπούλου

    Sophia Tountopoulou

    Senior Coordinator

  • Αντελάϊντα Τόσκα

    Adelaida Toska

    Funding Advisor

  • βασίλης τουντόπουλος

    Vassilis Tountopoulos
